
Local Natural Wonders - Day 36

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Local Natural Wonders - Day 36 - Head Of Tide Park in Topsham Maine

The Cathance River is a hidden gem in the Land Trust’s service area of Brunswick, Topsham, and Bowdoin.

From Head of Tide Park, Cathance River Trail snakes along the river and through its uplands, providing views of the pristine river and its undisturbed natural surroundings. The trail leads to the impressive 60-foot aluminum Clay Brook pedestrian bridge which was locally designed and fabricated.

Across the bridge lie an additional five miles of trail at the Cathance River Preserve. Most of this trail is on privately owned, conserved land, so stay on trails and observe posted use restrictions.

Directions to Head of Tide Park: 

Cathance Road, Topsham. Coming from the south, parking areas are located on the right just before short bridge over the river, and on the left just past the bridge (across from picnic table shelter).

Map: Cathance River Trails

Details Provided by Brunswick-Tophsam Land Trust

Jenn Casoni