
Nature Connection Challenge - Day 81


Nature Connection Challenge - Day 81 - Make Pounded Flower Art

Today’s Challenge is to use the natural pigments of leaves and flowers to create a piece of process art. This is fun for adults and kids alike, and can produce beautiful results.

Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Start by going on a walk or visiting your garden to find leaves and flowers to work with. You're looking for things with bright colors that aren't too juicy or too dry. It'll take a little trial and error to find good plants, so grab a variety and play around.

  2. Gather your materials. You’ll need some watercolor paper or white cotton cloth, paper towels, a hammer and a sturdy cutting board or log slice to pound on.

  3. Arrange your leaves and flowers on your paper or cloth, cover with a paper towel and use your hammer to gently and evenly pound the flowers and leaves until they release their pigment.

  4. Remove the paper towel and gently peel your plants off the paper to reveal your artwork. If there are bits of plants stuck to your paper, let them dry for a bit and they will brush off easily.

  5. Experiment with which plants and flowers work best and have fun!

Jenn Casoni