
Local Natural Wonders - Day 6


Local Natural Wonders - Day 6- Bijhower Forest Preserve in Phippsburg, ME

The little known  73-acre Bijhouwer (pronounced Bye-how-er) Forest is beautiful and includes one of the northernmost stands of mountain laurel in New England. The laurel blooms in late June and early July. This amazing forest also includes a lovely seasonal waterfall and the “Hundred Foot Rock,” a massive bolder covered with leatherleaf lichen. The trail is approximately 1.3 miles, making it a great, easy hike for children and adults alike. Directions to Bijhouwer Forest Easement 

From the parking area, follow the woods trail to the field. Follow the loop to the left, through the mountain laurel stand and into a conifer forest. Shortly after passing the “Hundred Foot Rock,” the trail continues through the low lands before rising again and then descending to Bijhouwer Falls. From the falls, the trail reenters the field from below the farm pond, returning to the woods road and back to the parking area.


Jenn Casoni