
Nature Connection Challenge - Day 100!

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Nature Connection Challenge - Day 100 - Spend 100 Minutes Outside OR Find 100 Nature Items

Today is our 100th day of nature connection challenges! After today we are moving on to a new daily blog post to share - stay tuned!

There are two challenges today - choose one or do both! Challenge #1 is to spend 100 minutes outside doing whatever you like. If this challenge seems to easy for you (maybe you spend hours outdoors anyway), then try the Challenge #2: Find 100 nature items. 100 birds. 100 wild flowers. 100 seashells. 100 oak leaves. 100 squirrels? The choice is yours!

Have fun and thanks for taking on our Nature Connection Challenges! We hope it helped you get outside and find yourself enjoying and connecting with the natural world. In times of stress, in particular, spending time in nature helps promote healing and peace. Making time to be outside daily with the trees, the plants, the insects, the critters, the sun, water, rain, clouds and fresh air can do wonders for your health and well-being.

Kendall ScottComment