
Nature Connection Challenge- Day 56


Nature Connection Challenge - Day 56 - Forage for Dandelion Greens

The humble dandelion has long been valued for its medicinal and nutritive properties and is one of the first and best wild edibles of spring. All parts of this plant can be eaten, but today we will focus on the leaves. These are some of the most nutritious greens you can eat. They contain high amounts of vitamin A, K and C and are high in calcium, folate and inulin (a dietary fiber that helps regulate blood sugar and gut health.)

Here is what you need to know:

  • Look for an area that is not treated with chemicals or too close to the road to forage.

  • Collect the young tender leaves of dandelion plants that are just about to flower for the best tasting leaves.

  • Raw dandelion greens can be eaten in salads or added to smoothies.

  • If you prefer to cook them, here is a recipe for sautéed dandelion greens with garlic:


    • 4 cups dandelion greens

    • 3 cloves garlic minced

    • 2 T olive oil

    • 1 T maple syrup

    • 1.5 t balsamic or apple cider vinegar

    • salt and pepper to taste


    • Wash dandelions thoroughly by submerging in cold water

    • Tear or chop the greens into 2 inch pieces

    • Heat oil in a skillet on medium/high heat, add garlic and sauté for about 45 seconds, then add dandelion greens, stir and sauté until wilted

    • Add vinegar and maple syrup, stir to coat greens and cook for another minute or two

    • add salt and pepper to taste

    • this can be enjoyed as a side dish, or topped with fried eggs for a healthy breakfast

Jenn Casoni