Nature Connection Challenge - Day 1
Hello Nature Lovers!
Welcome to the beginning of a journey into nature with us. As we all settle into our new reality of Social Distancing, Through The Trees challenges you to lean deeper into your connection with Nature. Each day for the foreseeable future, we will post a challenge that will help guide you into Nature in a new way.
Day One’s Challenge - Mindfulness and the Sense of Sight
Think of a place in nature that you can get to easily, safely and often. Maybe a favorite tree, stream, rock, seat on the deck or patio, etc…
Grab a journal/notebook and a pen/pencil.
Go to this place and make yourself comfortable (maybe even bring a sleeping bag to snuggle up in).
As you settle into your spot, allow your breath to settle as well. Invite a slow, long breath to come in and out of your body naturally - kind of like when you are falling asleep at night.
Next, allow your eyes to take in all that is around you. Take in what is very very close to you and then explore how far you can see into the distance and into your natural environment. Notice the colors, the textures, the way the light and shadows shift and change. Get curious and see how much you can see!
Use your journal/notebook to capture any thoughts, images or anything else you are inspired to jot down.
We would love to hear how the challenge goes for you! Share a picture of your time in nature or something you learned or experienced. Let us know by tagging us on Instagram @transformthroughthetrees or on Facebook check into Through The Trees.
We hope you enjoy your time out in Nature today! See you tomorrow for our next challenge.
Embrace Social Distancing through Nature Connection
Through The Trees